Saturday, September 20, 2008

Panic Attack Drug

Panic Attack Drug: Defeat The Enemy Within

Panic attack medications or even specific panic attack drugs are known to be quite effective in controlling symptoms of panic attack. However, there is more to the story than simply popping a pill each time you fear the onset of a panic attack. The sad truth is that no panic attack drug can effectively prevent a panic attack from starting – mainly because medications cannot act fast enough to prevent the attack.

No Warnings

Unfortunately, panic attacks occur without warnings and are more like lightning that flashes without giving you an idea that they are about to flash. It takes a further ten minutes for the panic attack to peak and often symptoms can persist for a while with the patient constantly fearing the onset of a fresh attack.

No doubt, panic attack drugs can help reduce the remaining ill effects of a panic attack; however, once the attack is underway there is little that any panic attack drug can do because there is simply not enough time for it to do its work. Nevertheless, there are many classifications of these drugs worth learning more about – both, in regard to natural supplements as well as prescription medications.

You can even get some welcome relief if you choose an alternative to typical panic attack drugs. In fact, you should seriously consider using herbal anti-anxiety supplements that help to calm the mind and keep the nerves under control. What’s more, those who use these alternatives to panic attack drugs can be considered as being very lucky – mainly because they will get quick relief and also not have to worry about dangerous side effects.

Among panic attack drugs there are two main classes. The first one are tranquilizers that help in reducing everyday anxieties and which can also prove effective in reducing incidences as well as severity of panic attacks. However, using such panic attack drugs can also lead to overdependence on them – which are never a good thing.

Among all panic attack drugs the one that is used most often is anti-depressants in the form of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. These are quite effective, though you will also at the same time have to contend with several disturbing side effects including sexual dysfunction and sleep disturbances.

As far as selecting the best medication for panic attacks there no doubts the fact that not taking any medication is the best medication. It is far better to identify the root cause (fear, in most cases) and act positively and proactively to defeat fear through strong will and determination rather than depend on panic attack drugs – best or otherwise.

The bottom line is that there are no magic potions to help cure your panic attacks. Using panic attack drugs is certainly an alternative; being strong and defeating the problem from within would however provide better results – no matter how difficult it may be.

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